Title: “A Bargain for the Ages: The Price Per Acre for Alaska“ In 1867, the United States acquired Alaska from Russia in a historic land deal known as the Alaska Purchase. The negotiated price for this vast and resource-rich territory was $7.2 million. Alaska encompasses over 586,000 square miles, making it the largest state in the U.S. With this in mind, the price per acre for Alaska in this acquisition comes to roughly just over 2 cents per acre. This remarkable transaction, often considered one of the most advantageous land purchases in history, unlocked Alaska’s vast potential and played a pivotal role in the growth and development of the United States. Today, Alaska stands as a land of natural beauty, abundant resources, and unique culture, making the 2-cent-per-acre investment a truly remarkable piece of American history. #alaska #alaskalife #nature #anchorage #travel #travelalaska #alaskaphotography #california #usa #wildlife #mountains #arizona #adventure
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