CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Black Death / Morte Nera Animated Short Film by Catarina De Morais, Tom Dufour, Etienne Dutrieux, Axel Laroche, Laurent Pozzuoli. Featured on CGMeetup Gallery A cure for evil, no matter what. Florence, 1631. The Black Death has invaded the Tuscan city. The streets are deserted, healthy citizens confined, while the Florentine guard strives to maintain order in this climate of terror. Alvise, a plague doctor, roams the narrow streets and dark buildings of the city out of sight, looking for plague-stricken bodies on which to perform his experiments, in the hope of finding a cure. Until the day when, during yet another autopsy, a strange and monstrous creature springs from one of these corpses... This film is the result of a graduation project by five students from the 3D Animation section at MJM Graphic Design Paris. Directed by : Catarina De Morais, Tom Dufour, Etienne Dutrieux, Axel Laroche, Laurent Pozzuoli Voice actors : E
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