“Because of my horrific experiences in life, I knew that there was no God and therefore, no afterlife. And so, when I suddenly found myself watching the police and the paramedics work on my body from somewhere near the ceiling, I learned that I had been quite wrong...“ - Sarah Lanelle Menet EXLUSIVE TRAILER: There Is No Death, The Documentary, Part 1. Made with the latest tools of AI using Sarah’s own descriptions. Of course the real Heavenly Paradise Sarah visited can’t be imagined or created, but hopefully these small attempts help a little. *** For updates subscribe and follow @RememberTruths on X *** In Part 1, 1hr 45min, Sarah describes her life before her NDE which alone is an incredible story. In her mid to late twenties during the 1970s she took jobs as a server at many celebrity parties in the Hollywood and Beverly Hills area. She became acquainted with many celebrity actors, producers, editors and associates. In 1975 Sarah dated actor Hugh O’Brian who is known for his lead role in the TV show Wyatt Earp, who she always liked and spoke highly of. Later in the decade she worked for a different set of celebrities who shocked her by how they lived their lives off screen. She became depressed, hated people, and came to the point where she thought, “if there is a God, I hate him.“ In 1979 Sarah Menet was pronounced dead but she did not die. Her near death experience (NDE) is perhaps the most extensive and complete NDE ever recorded. After seeing her own body lifeless on the floor Sarah visited the beautiful Spirit World, describing the scenery, exhilarating emotions, and tremendous capabilities of the spirit body. While exploring this extraordinary Paradise Sarah came to the top of a tall hill where she could see a massive city filled with thousands of people below. She describes their dress, activities, and buildings; Out of this whole beautiful experience the most remarkable experience was seeing Jesus Christ coming into the city to visit with the departed spirits there. She said of this view “it was the most beautiful sight that I had ever seen or could imagine.“ Sarah goes to great length answering many of humanities most profound questions that she had learned from being there: Why are terrible things allowed to happen to good people? Why are we here on earth? What happens to us after we die? Why is it important to treat others with kindness? What is deja vu? Is there such a thing as reincarnation? Among many others. Sarah was intent that this documentary not be used to promote any religion or denomination. It’s intent is for all people, no matter their race, gender, religious beliefs, or wherever they may be at in life. She didn’t believe in God, and she had a period where she lived a Hollywood lifestyle. But She came to know that God loves every single person born on this earth with a love beyond anything we’ve ever known or felt or can imagine. It’s her desire to reach those who struggle with their belief like she did, God loves even those who have committed great sins, and God desires for each of us to repent, so He can save us and bless us. Coming in 2025, Part 2: Sarah visited “hell“ and describes the torment of those committed to that terrible place. The awful sounds of the screams of those who lived wicked lives and their heavy emotions greatly multiplied. People who murder, rape, torture, abuse children, and commit adultery without repenting before they die are among those in the darkest part of this horrible place. She mentions the degrees of Hell, multiple places of varying degrees of darkness, as these individuals all vary in the amount of damage they have caused and therefore the place they go to and the amount of time they spend to where their “spirit’s vibration“ takes them. Each paying the unbearable price of their own actions, the gravity of their own destructive sins. She will also tell about a vision that opened up to her, a panorama of the world where she got to see our coming future and zoomed up on the multiple calamities that are going to take place that we must all prepare for. Many diseases will be spread, economic collapse, nuclear war, very long cold winters, marauding gangs and great famine. Sarah also saw places of safety where God will gather His people, these “places of light“ filled with loving people will be so much better off then the rest of the world. The wicked murdering gangs that will be roaming about killing for pleasure and to steal from their victims will fear and avoid these people in these places of light and safety as they will be well armed. Not just with many firearms but with the Lord’s Almighty Spirit and Protective Power. Miracles will come. We must all repent daily right now and be in the word of God everyday, live with charity towards all men, and come to know God’s voice. If we do these things He will lead us to safety. #nde #neardeathexperience #lifeafterdeath #godslove #jesuschrist #god
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