“Scream” (2022) revives the iconic horror franchise with returning cast members Neve Campbell, David Arquette and Marley Shelton alongside newcomers Jack Quaid, Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, Mason Gooding, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Dylan Minnette Mikey Madison and Sonia Ammar. Watch as CinemaBlend’s “Scream” expert Corey Chichizola discusses the fifth installment’s iconic callbacks, tight security, Wes Craven’s legacy and more with the cast in this spoiler-free interview. 00:00 - Intro 00:21 - Neve Campbell And David Arquette Pick Which Characters They’d Like To See Return To The ‘Scream’ Franchise 01:27 - Jasmin Savoy Brown And Mason Gooding’s Reactions To Being Related To Jamie Kennedy’s Randy 02:11 - Melissa Barrera Describes Leading The Cast While Working With ‘Scream’s' Iconic Returning Actors 03:57 - Jenna Ortega On ‘Pressure’ Of Filming The Opening Scene Like Drew Barrymore 05:17 - Marley Shelton Described How She Became Judy Hicks Again Years After ‘Scream 4’ 06:24 - Mikey Madison and Sonia Ammar On What
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