Хочешь варган из этого видео? Это среднечастотный темир-комус Наржигитова Заказать этот варган можно на нашем сайте: Заказать Вконтакте можно у Ивана Гнездо Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram: 89995601561 Хороший во всех отношениях инструмент. Как и все киргизские варганы лёгок в освоении, не капризен, мелодичен и богат обертонами. В комплекте закрытый деревянный чехол. Do you want a jew's harp from this video? Buy on eBay: Buy on ETSY: A good tool in all respects. Like all Kyrgyz jew's harps, it is easy to learn, not capricious, melodic and rich in overtones. Includes a closed wooden case. For amateurs, professionals, collectors ❍ Mid frequency ❍ Tongue stiffness: Medium ❍ Potential: Super A magnificent sonorous and melodic harp. Perfect for melodic playing and rhythmic improvisations. ◉ Handcrafted by Bakyt Narzhigitov ◉ Made in Kyrgyzstan ◉ Worldwide shipping ◉ We pack your orders with care and love and send by Russian Post ◉ After the purchase, please leave your review - this is important for us and will help other customers :) ◉ If you have any questions, please write to us! We will be happy to help you! ♡ Thank you for your interest in our store!
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