Walt Disney's “Beauty and the Beast: A Concert on Ice,“ starring two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Ekaterina Gordeeva in the role of Belle and Olympic Gold Medalist Victor Petrenko as the Beast, begins production this week at CBS Television City in Los Angeles. The hour-long special, marking Gordeeva's first duet performance since the untimely death of her husband and skating partner, Sergei Grinkov. Inspired by the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical and the Academy Award- winning full-length animated feature film, “Beauty and the Beast: A Concert on Ice“ will be hosted by James Barbour, who currently stars as the Beast in the Los Angeles stage production. and Susan Egan, who was nominated for a Tony Award for her performance as the original Belle on Broadway. The magical score from the feature film, written by the Oscar Award- winning team of Alan Menken and the late Howard Ashman and the lyrics from the Broadway musical written by Tim Rice, will be performed by Egan a
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