Title: Phil Collins's “Stage Mishap“ Date & Place: July 13, 1985, Live Aid Concert, Wembley Stadium, London In the midst of one of the most iconic concerts in history, Live Aid at Wembley Stadium, Phil Collins found himself in a comical yet memorable situation that left a lasting impression on both the audience and his fellow musicians. Collins, known for his powerful voice and dynamic performances, was scheduled to play at both the London and Philadelphia Live Aid concerts on the same day. After a stunning set in London, he hopped on a Concorde jet to make it in time for his performance in Philadelphia, determined not to miss a beat. As fate would have it, due to the time difference between the two cities, Collins found himself back on stage at Wembley Stadium, this time as the drummer for Eric Clapton's set. Eager to join in, Collins took his place behind the drum kit, ready to provide his rhythmic expertise. However, in the excitement and rush of the
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