Yaedeul-aaa Gomawoyoo Thank you.. Genre: Drama, Psychological Synopsis: Lee Yu-mi in Anna is a woman who lives a life full of lies, made iconic by Bae Suzy. To earn a life worth living, she uses someone else’s name and credentials—Lee Yumi becoming Lee Anna—enters a university as a licensed professor, and marries a rich businessman. Cast: Bae Suzy, Jung Eun-Chae, Kim Joon-Han, Park Ye-Young Director: Lee Joo-Young Writer: Jung Han-A (novel), Lee Joo-Young Music: La Esmeralda By 피치아르 Pichi Ahr #qoutes #anna #korean #kpop #kdrama #drama #koreandrama #motivation #music #relaxing #sad #classical #elegant #instrumental #baesuzy #jungeunchae #kimjoonhan #parkyeyoung
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