


KIGI AZARI TIKKA - Lattawiska gerb - Bilimai Prsiskai 12

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TEKSTUĀLS AUDIO TULKOJUMS LATVISKI: sveiks! / sveika! / sveiki! / sveikas! šajā video es vēlos padalīties ar vienu latviešu teiku, kas cilvēkiem skaidro to, kā radušies ezeri. un tā ir šāda: « sākotnēji uz Zemes ezeri nav bijuši - tolaik Dievs visas savas dzīvās būtnes dzirdīja tikai ar lietu. un uzkrāto ūdeni viņš glabāja lielā pērlē. taču, kā jau zināms, Velns iekāro visu, kas ir Dievam. un tieši tā bija arī toreiz - Velns bija izdomājis nozagt pērli un nedot dzert visiem pasaules apdzīvotājiem tik ilgi, līdz tie sāks Velnu pielūgt. kādā reizē, kad Dievs bija ārpus savas mājas, Velns tam nozaga pērli un aši aizgāja ar to prom. kad tas atgriezās pie sevis, viņš mēģināja dabūt ūdeni laukā no pērles, taču Velnam tas nesanāca, jo pērles atslēga bija pie Dieva. Velns kļuva nikns - viņš meta pērli pret zemi un tā saplīsa. ātri vien pērle appludināja visu zemi ar ūdeni. laikam ejot, vēlāk Dievs kādu daļu ūdens savāca, bet zemākajās vietās joprojām palika ūdens atlikumi, un tie veidoja ezerus. » ... TEXTUAL AUDIO TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH: hello! (masc/fem/masc-pl/fem-pl) in this video I want to share with you all one Latvian tale who explains to people how did the lakes arise. and that tale is such like this: « initially there were no lakes on the Earth - the God to all its planet’s inhabitants gave drink only water by rain, what was kept into big pearl. but as we know, the Devil covets everything the God has. exactly that was happening at that moment. the Devil was planning to steal that pearl and don’t give to drink water from that until everyone on the Earth will begin to worship him. one time when the God was not at his home, the Devil stole that pearl from his home and left home before the God returned back. when the Devil returned at his own home, he tried to get some water out of the pearl, but it was impossible, because the lock of pearl has only God. then the Devil became so angry - he threw the pearl on the floor and it smashed. then so fast the water flooded everything on the Earth. some moments later the God took some part of all water, but rest of that remained in lower places and made the lakes. »

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