“Teacups” (2023) - Written & Directed by Alec Green & Finbar Watson, Voiced by Hugo Weaving For almost half a century, Don Ritchie would approach people contemplating suicide at the edge of a cliff near his home. hello @ winner of 10 Awards screened at 40 Festval Selections Don Ritchie voiced by Hugo Weaving Written & Directed by Alec Green & Finbar Watson Art Director & Animation Director: Alan Holly Backgrounds: Muireann Mills Animation: Mikai Geronimo, Josh O’Caoimh, Deither Kirby Jay, Rory Byrne, Alan Holly Title design: Josh O’Caoimh Executive Producers: Max Ohman, Lenard Cassimatis, Geordan Bates Associate Producers: Max King, Alex Mayo Producers: Alec Green, Finbar Watson, Alan Holly, Carla Vulpiani Creative Producer: Finnegan McGrath Music: Stephen Roach & Luke Skaggs (Songs of Water) Sound Design, Sound Editing, and Sound Mixing: Alex Francis (Soundfirm) Production Manager: Carla Vulpiani Digital Creative: Michael Orfanos Distribution: Varicoloured - info [at] varicoloured [dot] eu #teacupsfilm #teacupsanimation #hugoweaving #donritchie #animation #2danimation #tea #shortfilm
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