Watch the golden jubilee celebration of blockbuster hindi film “Pardes“. Directed by Subhash Ghai, this film features Shah Rukh Khan and Mahima Chaudhry. Celebs seen at the party were Aamir Khan, Anil Kapoor, Dilip Kumar, Anupam Kher, Javed Akhtar, Rakesh Roshan, Alka Yagnik, AR Rahman, Gulshan Grover, Kirron Kher, Vinod Khanna and many others. Anil Sharma Exclusive On Gadar 1 & 2 | Bharathi S Pradhan Watch: About Lehren: Lehren () is a complete Entertainment News Network mainly devoted to Indian Films, Television, Celebrity Coverage, and Pop Culture. It covers a wide array of film news, reviews, interviews, celebrity life, gossip, scoops, red carpet, and trends. Lehren is the first and most widely viewed and recalled Indian Entertainment destination. Lehren’s engagement with Showbiz dates from 1987, when it introduced several film-based entertainment shows for India’s then-emerging
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