This animation was originally a video created by the artist/animator “Anthony Francisco Schepperd“ for “Bonobo“, for his 2012 studio album “Black Sands Remixed“ for the song and video “Eyesdown (Machinedrum Remix)“. [Merlin] Ninja Tune Ltd. owns the copyright for this animation. You can buy this album at this link: More from Bonobo: “Concertina“ In denial Who will come clean all the ravenous debris In disguise Sideswiped by penance cerecloth sentencing This scapegrace will pay my barking harangue... are you listening? On the 14th you stole What hasn't grown old In denial File this under a bridge that he can't leave Will those shadows glare From that blank-rimmed stare In a vacancy hush Aunque me dejastes ahogado en el mar, acuestate en la tierra de la realidad de tu sue
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