Title: Unleash the Fun with Farkle: Mastering the Basic Rules of the Dice Game Thrill Farkle, the exhilarating dice game of risk and reward, promises endless excitement for players seeking a thrilling gaming experience. With its simple yet addictive gameplay, Farkle has become a favorite pastime for gatherings and game nights alike. In this article, we'll uncover the fundamental rules of Farkle, guiding players through the twists and turns of this dice-rolling adventure. 1. **Game Setup**: To begin, players need six dice and a score sheet or app to track points. The first player is determined by a roll of the dice, with the highest roller taking the first turn. 2. **Dice Rolls**: On their turn, players roll all six dice. They must set aside at least one scoring die and can choose to set aside additional scoring dice or roll again to increase their score. 3. **Scoring**: Players earn points based on the combinations of dice they roll. Points are awarded for each 1 (100 points)
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