Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met French President Emmanuel Macron at Paris’ Elysee Palace on Friday. The pair met before Modi was the guest of honour at the French capital’s Bastille Day parade later in the day. About 240 Indian troops led the march down the Champs-Elysees before thousands of French forces, and French-made Indian warplanes joined the aerial display. France often showcases international partners on Bastille Day, and the choice of India comes as France looks to further strengthen cooperation on fighting climate change, military sales and countering China’s growing influence in the strategic Indo-Pacific region. But human rights were missing from the vast agenda, despite concerns raised by European lawmakers, rights groups and others. -------- Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Subscribe to Bloomberg Originals: Bloomberg Quicktake brings you global social video spanning business, technology, politics and culture. Make sense of the stories changing your business and your world. Connect with us on… YouTube: Breaking News on YouTube: @BloombergQuicktakeNow Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:
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