The platform is now overrun with Telegram scams and YouTube is either disinterested or unable to stop them, so users need to take measures to stop them. Here is a trick that should stop 90-95% of such scams in your channel comments. *SHOW YOUR SUPPORT* 1: Become a Member on Locals: 2: Donate via Paypal: 3: Buy Merch: 4: Send in Viewer Mail. (Contact Me for details at bradlinzy@ ) 5: Purchase an ad! (Rate sheets available upon request at email above.) 6: Buy something from a sponsor and tell them I sent you. 7: Stand in the middle of the street naked screaming “LONG LIVE THE GUITOLOGIST!“ Then when the cops arrive, tell them about my channel. SUBSCRIBE TO CHANNEL 2: ♠STUFF I USE -Signature Guitar: -Mustool Handheld Oscillosc
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