In this series of healing chakras we have used solfeggio frequencies. Solfeggio frequencies are considered to be the original frequencies used by the monks during their meditation chants. These frequencies penetrate deeply into the conscious and subconscious mind, managing emotional reactions that sometimes we cannot completely control. Anahata is the heart chakra. It unites the higher, more spiritual chakras, linked to intuition and thought, to the three lower centers, linked more to material aspects. This energy center gives us the ability to express pure and unconditional love. Green is its color that symbolizes harmony, love for nature, compassion, purification, balance, health. When Anahata is closed or blocked, one is unable to love oneself and others, one does not trust anyone. Namaste You can find this track with the titles “Heart Chakra 639Hz Harmonize Relationships” here: Amazon: iTunes: 7 Digital: S
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