Title: “A Twist of Fate: John Wilkes Booth’s Brother Saves Lincoln’s Son“ In a remarkable twist of fate, the brother of John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Abraham Lincoln, played a role in saving the life of Lincoln’s son, Robert Todd Lincoln. The story unfolds on a train platform in Jersey City in 1864 when Robert Todd Lincoln, then a young man, fell between the platform and the moving train. Struggling to free himself, he was suddenly pulled to safety by an unknown man. It wasn’t until years later that Robert Todd Lincoln learned that the man who saved him was Edwin Booth, the famous actor and brother of John Wilkes Booth. This extraordinary incident serves as a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness of history and the unexpected ways in which lives and destinies intersect, even in the most tragic and tumultuous times. #abrahamlincoln #lincoln #usa #history #abrahamlincolnquotes #washingtondc #america #abelincoln #civilwar #americanhistory
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