#tno #theneworder #heartsofiron4 So I decided to expand that Holy Russian Empire anthem video a bit into a full-on hour of Holy Russian Empire-themed music. Most of these are monarchist songs, Russian nationalist songs, or just songs that evoke nostalgia for the Russian Empire. I suppose if you restore the original pitch and speed of these songs, you’ll get around 45 minutes of Vyatka music instead. Timecodes: 0:00 Жанна Бичевская - Всем предателям Бога, Царя и России / Zhanna Bichevskaya - To All Betrayers of God, Tsar and Russia 6:36 Сыновья России - Была державная Россия / Synovya Rossii - There Was a Sovereign Russia 10:47 Владимир Высоцкий - В куски разлетелася корона / Vladimir Vysotski - The Crown, Shattered into Pieces 12:28 Жанна Бичевская - Русский марш / Zhanna Bichevskaya - Russian March 20:12 Максим Трошин - Ты не пой, соловей / Maksim Troshin - Do Not Sing, O Nightingale 26:35 Если - Цесаревич Алексей / Yesli - Tsarevich Alexei 31:42 Громоглас - Рыцари чести и долга / Gromoglas - Knights of H
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