Ever since the mysterious Tiberium landed on Earth and spread across the world, an endless global battle has been going on between the two militant organizations: the Brotherhood of Nod led by Kane, aiming to seize this powerful yet dangerous resource and achieve world domination by it and the Global Defense Initiative (GDI), a multinational military task force doing everything possible to counter this threat and keep the world order in balance. It is not only power at stake but the future of all mankind and Earth, as we know it. There is no telling which faction will triumph or fail in this desperate warfare. Only one thing is imperative: it is time to act on instinct! This is our remix of the battle song ’Act on Instinct’ from the great real-time strategy video game Command & Conquer, which has celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2020. By this remix, we would also like to contribute to this special event. Unit ready! 🙏 If you would like to support us in bringing you
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