Actor Vishwaksen is gearing up for the release of his latest film “Gaami,” hitting cinemas on March 8th, next Friday on Maha Shivratri. The meaning of ’Gaami’ is ’traveler,’ and it is an upcoming Telugu-language epic adventure drama film starring Vishwak Sen as an Aghora—a wounded hero who embarks on a mystical journey into the deep Himalayas to find a cure for his touch starvation. In an exclusive interaction with ’s Lokesh Bandi, Actor Vishwaksen unfolds the story behind ’Gaami’, from the making of the film to the reasons causing delays, the impact of VFX, and the challenges faced on set. Watch the complete interview now for an in-depth look at Vishwaksen’s journey. #VishwakSen #Gaami #ChandiniChowdary #GulteInterviews #gulte
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