In the manga series Inuyasha, Sango (珊瑚) is a sixteen-year-old demon slayer (妖怪退治屋) skilled at killing yōkai. Her village is also the original home of the Shikon Jewel. While travelling, she wears a traditional woman's kimono, over which she wears long skirt, most likely “mo-bakama“, and traditional woman's arm guards and leg guards, and straw sandals. As a demon slayer, Sango dresses in a black skin-tight jumpsuit, and pink armor plates made of demon parts, and a red sash. Of her broad repertoire of tools and tricks for fighting demons, Sango usually wields her most powerful weapon called the Hiraikotsu (飛来骨?, “Flying Return Bone“), a human-sized boomerang made of purified demon bones. Her other weapons include a concealed sword and poisons. She is always accompanied by the demon cat Kirara. Thanks for watching and please like, share, comment and subscribe if you enjoyed
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