BE PART OF OUR CHANNEL :⭐️ ⭐️ Stop-motion animation pioneer Ladislas Starevich's first fully animated feature film. The production started in 1929 in Paris an was completed in 1931 The film was not released until 1937 in Berlin in 1937 and in 1941 to France making it “oficially“ the third sound animated feature as the second to use puppet animation, following The New Gulliver from the USSR in 1935. Released eight months before Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, it is the world's sixth-ever animated feature film. Le Roman De Renard is a wonderful stop-motion animated feature made and scripted by Iréne and Ladislas Starevich [Władysław Starewicz]. The Fox stories were exceedingly popular across Europe in the Middle Ages and continue to be so . When they ran out of funding for the film in France, Germany came through with funding, so the first version premiered in Berlin. It was only
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