Attack on Titan: Shingeki no Kyojin is a Japanese dark fantasy anime television series adapted from the manga of the same name by Hajime Isayama. It is set in a world where humanity lives inside cities surrounded by three enormous walls that protect them from the gigantic man-eating humanoids referred to as Titans; the story follows Eren Yeager, who vows to exterminate the Titans after a Titan brings about the destruction of his hometown and the death of his mother. Main characters in Attack on Titans; Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, Hange, Sasha, Levi Ackerman, Erwin. Kindly like, subscribe and drop your comments. Thank you. Your support is much appreciated. 😊😁😍 LynxxWrld, bringing you short, simple, intriguing, captivating, and mind-blowing amvs. #attackontitan #eren #erenyeager #aot #shingekinokyojin #erenedit #aotedit #AMV #anime #edit #alightmotion #alightmotionedit #amgang #kurokami #kurokamiunit
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