Purveyor of blast beats and extreme drum-shredding, John Longstreth is today’s guest!! We get into his recent run with Hate Eternal, double stroke rolls on the feet at higher BPM’s, death metal traditionalists, grind core elitists, recounting the “Major Steps” through out his career, cardboard drums, triggers, the gateway records and drummers that lead him towards more extreme music, reassessing one’s strengths and weaknesses out of perceived failure, short hand notes for navigating the more challenging sections/arrangements of the Gorguts record Colored Sands, putting the human element back into heavy music, dissecting the intro to Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacher”, “equestrian rock” an Iron Maiden & Judas Priest geek out (and an infamous I.M. show John doesn’t remember), the updated version Winger’s 80’s hit “She’s only 17”, jiu jitsu, video game addictions, and more shredding!!! Photo:
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