----------- 00:00 Desolate Preparation. 03:42 I realised I’m evil. 06:04 You lost while winning. 08:30 Becoming the monster. 11:12 Despair Is Absolute. 14:14 Save us all. 17:29 Marius are you Bond. 19:23 Waiting room. 23:31 The water rises. 26:44 You got this. 29:46 The mind of Scar. 35:17 War ready, Not afraid, Cant lose. 37:47 My beloved ship shall sink with me. 39:18 Go further 40:37 It was impossible then I did it. 44:26 Our song 48:35 Gina hold my hand 55:00 Look at what I’ve become 57:17 The Heart of Akonne. 58:42 Reap what you sow. 01:01:47 Platoon. 01:05:32 This Too Shall Pass (BONUS) 01:08:57 Black Sand (BONUS) 01:13:17 Serenity (BONUS)
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