WHAT I LEARNED FROM WHALE SHARKS AND BLUE WHALES. “Whales are real amazing despite of having massive body most of them eat smallest organisms in the ocean, I mean they love to eat, krill, small fish, zooplankton, phytoplankton, and algae; only few eat meat although some catch large prey”. “Let look at the greatest of all blue whale despite of having massive body its main food is KRILL. Waoh! So amazing. Just think about the size of blue whale………….. then think about the size of krill……… nothing more to say”. Whale shark The biggest fish in the world but also depend on eating of small shrimp, fish and plankton by using their gill rakers as a suction filter to make its massive body….. amazing. So from this two massive animals I learned that; “These giant animals although they have massive body still they feed on smallest organisms; SO ONE BIT DOESN’T MAKE THEM FULL BUT MILLIONS OF SMALLEST MAKE THEIR MASSIVE BODY. So I learned that when you want to achieve your goal one step is not enough just start
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