At the 10:45AM show at California Adventure, the stunt robot for The Amazing Spider-Man show failed to roll or even detach from the wire, causing it to slam down onto the destructible wall. The show was initially cancelled for the rest of the day but started running again at 2:15PM. Yours truly watched the 2:45PM show which ran the same script, but the robot released and landed properly in the building net. Seem familiar? Allain Bui (@.allainbui on Instagram) created the VFX version of Spider-Man falling much more slowly into an unbreakable version of the wall. This one was very much real. #theamazingspiderman #spiderman #avengerscampus #californiaadventure #disneyland #disneylandcalifornia #stuntrobot #fail #animatronics #spidermannowayhome #nowayhome
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