This is a tiny computer that fits in the palm of your hand. A pocketable cyberdeck. The full power of linux. Hackable. Tactile. Simple. Featuring a very unique reflective memory lcd, a physical keyboard and powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero. This is Beepy by SQFMI. Very useful as a portable pen-testing tool or for SSH’ing in to a server for some quick maintenance. It suffers from one huge flaw though. My stand for Beepy: Waitlist for next Beepy: Beepy Discord server: Color Beepy Discord server: 0:00 Intro 0:45 What can you do with it? 2:24 The hardware 4:08 Keyboard shortcuts and modifier keys 5:21 The big problem with Beepy 6:16 How to get a Beepy 7:08 Outro
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