Title: Studio Ghibli Cello Collection Composer: Joe Hisaishi Cellists: Kaoru Kukita, Dolce de Musica Instruments: Cellos, Violin, Piano, Guitars, Vibraphone Playlist: Spirited Away 00:00 One Summer’s Day (Opening Theme) 03:52 Always With Me (Ending Theme) Princess Mononoke 06:55 The Legend of Ashitaka (Opening Theme) 11:22 Princess Mononoke (Main Theme) Laputa: Castle in the Sky 13:52 The Castle of Time 15:48 Carrying You (Main Theme) Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind 20:57 Requiem 23:28 The Days Long Gone 25:02 Bird Person (Ending Theme) 26:24 Legend of the Wind (Opening Theme) Anime Classical Concerts: Spirited Away Collect.: Princess Mononoke Collect.: Laputa Collect.:
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