CGI 3D Animated Short Film: NOVA Short Film by The Animation School - Keketso Moteetee, Maxine Murray, Junayd Bradlow, Daniel Herbst, Jade Lee, Allegra Hoekstra, Matthew Dunwoody, Arthur Feder. Featured on We are proud to announce that The New York Festivals International Television & Film Awards has awarded graduates of The Animation School a World Silver Medal “NOVA“ in the Best Student Film Category. Credits: Keketso Moteetee - Director Maxine Murray - Production Manager Junayd Bradlow - Animator Daniel Herbst - Lighting Artist Jade Lee - Modeler Allegra Hoekstra - Lead Compositor Matthew Dunwoody - Technical Director Arthur Feder - Lead Composer Situated in Cape Town and Johannesburg South Africa, The Animation School offers a three-year full time Animation Diploma. Since its launch in 2000, the school has established itself as the leading specialist animation training institution in South Africa. Its students c
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