The Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly infiltrated russia’s Kursk Oblast, with ongoing fighting on the border, the russian Telegram channel ASTRA reported on Aug. 6. russian “milbloggers” reported that “fighting continues in several sections of the state border.“ The propagandists claimed that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had organized “serious artillery training“ and planned to “increase pressure“ by attacking in the areas of Nikolaevo-Daryino–Daryino and Sudzha–Gogolevka. Read more: You can always buy me a coffee for more video projects to come: ☕️ or become my patron: 🇺🇦 or choose our merch on: ❤️ ✅ Follow me on Instagram 👉 ✅ Follow me on Twitter 👉 ✅ Join me on Discord 👉 Real life stories about russian war against independent Ukraine. Short war stories that the world needs to know. Ask your questions and get your answers. I am not a professional vlogger, but I feel YouTube community needs more truth. Stand with Ukraine!
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