شباب هذه قناة حاولت ان اوثق فيها جميع احداث الثورة اليمنية المباركة حتى تكون ارشيف وشاهد على مجازر النظام وعلى توحد شعبنا ورقيه وسلميته. ارجوا تزويدنا باي فيديوهات أخرى مرتبطة بالمجازر والأحداث كما ارجوا نشر القناة حتى يعلم العالم حقيقة الوضع في اليمن وجرائم النظام. On behalf of the youths of the Yemeni revolution, We are, the Yemeni youths, writing this declaration to explain the situation in Yemen from the sight of the Yemeni youths and clarify our aims and requests. Millions of people are protesting in a civilized peaceful manner to request the change of the Yemeni President (Ali Abdullah Saleh ) and ruling party This Channel was created in order to be a witness of the peaceful revolution In Yemen and how the government is killing people with cold blood. This is an archive for all the events happened in our Revolution, so that everyone in the wold can know the truth. Innocent people are dying every day. They have even used snipers to shoot people deliberately on head. In Sana’a around 62 people killed in one night and more than 1000 injured, similar case happened in Taiz two days ago. In Aden only, more than 14 people have been killed and tens are injured on 25 of February only, and around 34 people killed since the beginning of the revolution, the number is exceeding 300 injured since 16 of February. This massacre that has occurred and is still occurring in Yemen is a terrifying fact hidden from the whole world. Currently, people all around Yemen have united and are protesting loudly in all cities to seek the same aim, the fall of the system. Here, we ask the entire world, all global organizations, the human rights watch to witness what is happening in the Republic of Yemen. The government is trying to hide the truth by forcing the journalists of International TV channels to leave the country and threatened them by death in case they have tried to show any of what is happening in the country to the whole world. We request the whole world to stand beside us. We want change to occur. We want civilization. We want a developed country. We only want a chance to have a better respectful life. Finally, we want peace to take place. We ask you to come and see the truth on the land and witness the methods the government uses to abort our revolution violently. We seek your help. The Youths of the Yemeni Revolution
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