Enjoy animated short film “NEVERDIE“ by Supinfocom Rubika Team. Featured at SYNOPSIS: You have everything but your life bores you to the point of wanting to jump off your window? Make the big jump with Neverdie! NEVERDIE Animated Short Film (2016) Sci-Fi, Suspense, Thriller Produced at Supinfocom Rubika ( http:// ) CREDITS: Directed by Camille Le Souffaché (@ ), Gabriel Henot Lefevre (gabrielefevre62@ - ), Arthur Ranson (@ - ), Marion Malle (@ ), Compositor : Olivier Militon, Sound design : Gabriel Henot Lefevre, Voice : Siobhan Dedenys, Ian Ballinger, Kelly Saint-Denis, Félix-Antoine Désilets-Rousseau, Grégory Lasson, Manuela Dessarts, Ad
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