Synopsis: The Action and Drama Movie “捉姦隊 Mistress Killer 捉姦俠“ is about the mistress in modern society. Recently a Kung Fu warrior who focuses on catching mistresses appears in the city. Rumors about him/her spread quickly. Also a lot of mistresses hate him/her very much. One day, the Mistress Killer accepted a mission. but it maked her fall into trouble. The behind boss sets up her and wants to kill her... 故事简介:动作剧情电影《捉奸队 Mistress Killer 捉奸侠》 讲述城市里出现了一个专门捉奸惩恶并被人们称为捉奸侠,关于她的传说四起,同时她也遭到众多小三的记恨
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