in part inspired by the john green book of the same name that touched my SOUL and put in to words some of my worst fears and anxieties in a way that made me feel a whole lot less alone, i highly recommend you read it regardless of whether or not you personally relate to it bc it’s a wonderful insight into the brain of someone who does probably my longest and most upsetting song lmao nice also two vids in one week? who do i think i am smh for any of u friends listening who relate to either the book or the song or just to mental health struggles in general, i’m here for u and proud of u for keeping on for as long as you have bc being trapped in your own head with something so hard to articulate is quite the battle; please talk to someone if you can, you deserve help and support this is all very dramatic lmao i’m acc doing okay i just rlly felt the need to share some form of appreciation for this book and it seems all i know how to do is write angsty songs on out-of-tune instrume
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