


The Lobby - USA, episode 4

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“Vundament, millel AIPAC istus, mädaneb“ Neljas episood näitab, kuidas Iisrael töötab Black Lives Matter liikumise vastu . Iisraeli peakonsulit Atlantas on näha salajastel kaadritel, kes kurdavad, et “Iisraeli peamine probleem on mustanahaliste kogukonna noore põlvkonnaga“. Iisraeli projekti edukad katsed mõjutada Ameerika peavoolumeediat on samuti üksikasjalikud, endine CNN-i ajakirjanik Jim Clancy kirjeldas seda kui “propagandat“. Ka neljandas osas läheb Tony kaasa koomiliselt ebaentusiastliku noorte, konservatiivsete mõttekodade kaaslastega, keda nende ülemused sunnivad liituma protestiga Palestiina õigluse eest õppijate konverentsi vastu. Max Blumenthal Grayzone’i projektis avaldas varem nendest stseenidest klippe , kuid nüüd saab kõiki kaadreid vaadata sellel lehel. Varjatud kaadrites tunnistavad stipendiaadid Tonyle, et see, mida nad teevad, on “astroturfing“ - termin, mis tähistab võltsitud rohujuuretasandi aktivismi, mille korraldab või mille eest maksab huvigrupp. Tony Iisraeli projekti bossi Eric Gallagheri sõnul annab see filmi lõplikule järeldusele. Gallagher kirjeldab, kuidas kaheparteiline konsensus Iisraeli toetamisel on viimastel aastatel tõsiselt purunenud , kusjuures küsitlused näitavad järjekindlalt Iisraeli progressiivse ja liberaalse toetuse langust . Gallagher tunnistab, et Washingtoni võimsaima Iisraeli lobirühma AIPAC ja tema endise tööandja varandus pole enam see, mis nad kunagi olid. “Vundament, millel AIPAC istus, on mädanemas,“ kurdab ta. “USA-s oli Iisraelile tegelikult laialdane avalik toetus. Nii et ma ei usu, et AIPAC jääb sama mõjukaks. Ta lisab: “Ma ei usu, et AIPAC on enam oda ots, mis on murettekitav, sest kes on?“ “The foundation that AIPAC sat on is rotting” Episode four reveals how Israel is working against the Black Lives Matter movement. Israel’s consul-general in Atlanta is seen in undercover footage complaining that “the major problem for Israel is with the young generation of the Black community.” The Israel Project’s successful attempts to influence American mainstream media are also detailed, with former CNN journalist Jim Clancy describing it as “propaganda.” Also in episode four, Tony goes along for the ride with a comically unenthusiastic group of young, conservative think tank fellows, who are compelled by their bosses to join a protest against a Students for Justice in Palestine conference. Max Blumenthal at the Grayzone Project previously released clips from these scenes, but all the footage can now be viewed on this page. In the undercover footage, the fellows admit to Tony that what they are doing is “astroturfing” – a term for fake grassroots activism orchestrated or paid for by an interest group. This feeds into the film’s ultimate conclusion, in the words of Eric Gallagher, Tony’s boss at The Israel Project. Gallagher describes how the bipartisan consensus in support of Israel has seriously fractured in recent years, with polls consistently showing a slide in progressive and liberal support for Israel. Gallagher admits that the fortunes of AIPAC, Washington’s most powerful Israel lobby group, and his former employer, are not what they once were. “The foundation that AIPAC sat on is rotting,” he laments. “There used to be actual widespread public support for Israel in the United States. So I don’t think that AIPAC is going to remain as influential as it is.” He adds: “I don’t think that AIPAC is the tip of the spear anymore, which is worrisome, because who is?”

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