An example of performing a Tok Sen massage for the back. The purpose of Tok-Sen massage is to restore the normal energy balance in the whole body through proper work with meridians. Impact on energy flows with the help of Tok-Sen massage, regardless of the causes of the disease (inflammation, sprains, injuries of bones or muscles, hemorrhages, etc.) removes the blockade, stimulates free energy flow (Iran) and restores good health. Talk-Sen frees the body of toxins, removes negative energy; Talk-Sen eliminates the tension in the muscles and fascia through the deepest muscle relaxation. It is deep and clogged muscles that do not get a classic massage that improves blood circulation; Tok-Sen eliminates the effects of stress and restores psychological status, anxiety disorders, insomnia, stress; It removes pain and improves the functioning of the heart, lungs, stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys and other organs. The Tok-Sen massage is also effective for paralyzed people and people with prob
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