Hey guuuys!! Here we go again... Today we’re not singing alongside Armstrong. Because Samuel Rodrigues, the cool wind of Brazil is here to help some tarnished bros. And it will be a bloodshed (LOL) You may have noticed that Sam is not holding his Katana on the thumbnail, it is “brazilian churrasco“ and it is freaking delicious. AAAANYWAY, I hope you guys have as much fun as I had creating this video. I love you all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Songs: “The Only thing I know for real“ - Metal Gear Rising Jetstram Sam theme song. “I’m My Own Master Now“ Vocals Only (still has the guitar solo tho LOL) - Metal Gear Rising Wolf Theme Song. “The War Still Rages Within“ - Jetstream Sam DLC credits theme song. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: #eldenring #metalgearrising #therewillbebloodshedmeme #therewillbebloodshed #theonlythingiknowforreal #metalgearrisingmeme #jetstreamsam #samuelrodrigues #minuano #meme #vergil #devilmaycry #hacknslash #brazil #brazilian #eldenringmeme #katana #samuraibuild #bloodbuild #pvp #eldenringpvp #onlinematch #eldenringsummonsign #eldenringonlinematch #bossfight #jetstreamsamineldenring #samurai #edit #coop #rpg #charactercreation #tarnished #nyxcavaliere ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for watching.
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