이제는 내 안에 품은 남들과 다른 것을 숨기지 않아도 되는 그 때가 온 것 같아. The time has come, we don’t have to hide something different from others in me. [Lyric Subtitles] 한글, English, le français, das Deutsche, italiano, Português, español, 中文, 日本語, Bahasa Indonesia, tiếng Việt, Tagalog, ภาษาไทย, [2023 Season’s Greeting Calendar-Goodies set purchase (include Overseas shipping) [Stream] Melon : Vibe : Genie : Flo : Bugs : Spotify : Apple music : [Contact] e-mail : @ twitter : (@lionesses_twit) instagram : (@) (@) (@strong_kanghan) (@imalrang) Beat Prod by Zantin (@imzantin) Music Video Directed By 조한희 Track List 01 It’s OK to be me () (title) [Credit] -Music Composed by 담준(DAMJUN), 잔틴(Zantin) Lyrics by 담준(DAMJUN) Arranged by 잔틴(Zantin) Vocal Directed by 담준(DAMJUN) Background vocals by 담준(DAMJUN), 강한(KANGHAN), 이말랑(Lee Malrang), 미노(Mi-no) Recorded by 박병진 @ ARTONRECORDS Track Tuned by 잔틴(Zantin) Mixed by 잔틴(Zantin) Mastered by 잔틴(Zantin) Choreography by 탄탄(Tantan) of 유니티브 -Music Video Musicvideo Directed by 조한희 Musicvideo Filmed by 조한희,윤성권,엄도월 Jimmi jib Drove by 박성재 Musicvideo Edited by 이영후 Hair&Make up Set by 박진희,김나림 Nail Art Set by 오예림 -Art Profile Pictured by 조한희 Album Art Designed by 담준(DAMJUN), 신빠 -Sponsored Production Sponsored by 비온뒤무지개재단, 이반시티 본 앨범은 비온뒤무지개재단의 ‘이반시티퀴어문화기금’ 으로 부터 사전 제작비 지원을 받아 제작되었습니다. Promotion Sponsored by Jack’d Korea 본 앨범은 잭디코리아의 홍보 지원을 받습니다. Lyric translated by. English - Damjun 中文 - 곽곽 日本語 - 김또잉 das Deutsche - Dagmar #KANGHAN #강한 #라이오네시스 #LIONESSES #Kpop #KpopsfirstLGBTQboyband #opera #gay #lgbtq #questioning #동성애 #게이 #퀘스처닝 #케이팝 #성소수자 #Pridemonth #Kpopgay #양성애 #바이 #바이섹슈얼 #Bisexsual #gayidol #KpopPride #LGBTPRIDE #LGBTQPRIDE #LGBTQAIPRIDE #이말랑 #Leemalrang #한국게이 #Kポップ #Kポップゲイ#ゲイ #K-POP同性愛 #同性愛 #両性愛 #性的少数者 #담준 #배담준 #DAMJUN #커버 #cover #vocal #보컬 #Showmeyourpride #Christmasmiracle #Willyoubemygroom #Bonvoyage #Boywithstrangelove #이상한사랑에빠지소년에게 #ItsOKtobeme
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