In director Marc Forster’s comedy-drama, A Man Called Otto, Academy Award-winning actor, Tom Hanks, stars as the titular grouchy widower. Based on the New York bestseller by author Frederik Backman, the movie centers around Otto Anderson, a man who seems to have lost his patience with society when he lost his wife. It’s only when a noisy, friendly family moves in next door that he begins to rediscover what it means to truly be alive. If the premise of A Man Called Otto doesn’t immediately tug on your heartstrings, the casting of Hollywood’s warmest actor must. Hanks, who began his expansive filmography in the 1980s, has had a dynamic career, ranging from a ‘90s heartthrob in You’ve Got Mail, to the loveable Forrest Gump, and deeply emotional roles in films like Saving Private Ryan and The Green Mile. Each and every one of his characters is performed with such heart and conviction, and the miserly, heartbroken Otto is another unforgettable performance. Ahead of the film’s release, Collider’s Stev
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