Title: Unraveling the Art of Barbecue: Exploring Texas A&M's ANSC 117 Class Barbecue – a word that evokes images of sizzling meat, fragrant smoke, and communal gatherings. In Texas, barbecue isn't just a meal; it's a way of life. At Texas A&M University, students have the unique opportunity to delve into the rich traditions and techniques of barbecue through the renowned ANSC 117 class. This course, offered by the Department of Animal Science, is a celebration of all things barbecue, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the art and science behind this beloved culinary tradition. ANSC 117: Texas Barbecue is more than just a class; it's an immersive journey into the heart and soul of Texas barbecue culture. Led by esteemed barbecue expert Dr. Jeff Savell and his team of passionate instructors, the course covers a wide range of topics, from meat selection and preparation to smoking techniques and flavor profiles. One of the hallmarks of ANSC 117 is
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