They killed his pregnant wife and burned down his house, completely unaware of what was to come. Sniper: The White Raven movie 2022, Pavlo Aldoshyn as Mykola, Maryna Koshkina as Nastya, Roman Semysal as Brigade commander, Andrey Mostrenko as Cap, Oleg Drach as Syeryy, Egor Kozlov as Ivan. This channel do recap movies like cinema summary, nerd explains, movie recaps, story recapped, movie recapped, mystery recapped, mr brain junkie, man of recapped, Detective recapped, detective recaps, daniel cc, thriller, sci fi, movie review, Movies Under 10 minutes, recap king, movies in minutes, mr. nightmare, creepypasta, creepy stories, horror, Netflix, dead meat, popcorn in bed, but I try to recap movies that other channels haven’t recapped in english with other subtitles languages. I try to have their story recapped in a brief and enjoyable way and have their main details explained to you in case you missed it! I try to recap/summarize them in under 12 minutes for your entertainment. If yo
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