The NBC sci-fi series Strange Days at Blake Holsey High returns as an original web series, Strange Days at Blake Holsey High: Echoes. Set in the present-day, Echoes takes place 16 years after “the Science Club“ graduated from Blake Holsey High and the school closed forever, but the strange events that took place there still reverberate impacting former students and those with a strong connection to the school, the people who went there, and the experiences they had. In episode #4, a man describes a paranormal encounter that he believes may be related to the existence of the multiverse. (This is a repost of episode #4 with remixed audio as the original post encountered some audio level problems upon upload.) Created by Jim Rapsas Directed by Paul Hart-Wilden Written by Jim Rapsas Music by Carlos Lopes Featuring Umberto Celisano © 2022 Blake Holsey Productions LLC
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