Title: “Operation Acoustic Kitty: The CIA's Feline Espionage Experiment“ During the Cold War, the CIA embarked on an unusual and short-lived project known as “Operation Acoustic Kitty.“ The goal was to transform domestic cats into covert spies by surgically implanting listening devices into their ears and wires along their fur. The project hoped to eavesdrop on sensitive conversations in the Soviet Union. However, the operation encountered numerous challenges, including the cats' unwillingness to follow orders and their unpredictable behavior. In the end, the project was deemed a failure and was discontinued. While the idea of spy cats may sound like a curious tale, it stands as a reminder of the creative and sometimes unconventional efforts made by intelligence agencies during a period of intense global tension and espionage. #kittens #cats #catsofinstagram #cat #kitten #of #kittensofinstagram #catstagram #kitty #catlover #instagram #catlovers #instacat
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