Read the indictment here: RT, or Russia Today is Russia’s official propaganda and disinformation platform. Multiple countries stopped carrying the RT news channel after the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, so Russia needed to find another way to disseminate state-sponsored propaganda. Tenet Media (known as “U.S. Company-1“ in the indictment) is a right-leaning content creation company focusing on YouTube and social media. This company allegedly accepted $9.7 million dollars in funding from RT to parrot Russian talking points as directed by Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanassvia. For uncensored video, check out my substack at: Like my shirts? Get your own at: Want a personalized greeting: Watch all of my long form videos: Twitter: @ryanmcbeth Instagram: @therealryanmcbeth BlueSky @ryanmcbeth Reddit: /r/ryanmcbeth Join the conversation: Want to send me something? Ryan McBeth Productions LLC 8705 Colesville Rd. Suite 249 Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA
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