下载WeTV APP可以看更多精彩动漫最新节目: #刀哥说动漫 #国漫 #动漫解说 #cartoon #anime #斗罗大陆 #斗破苍穹 #吞噬星空 #画江湖之不良人 #神印王座 #完美世界 #非人哉 #遮天 Drama Name:【斗罗大陆 Soul Land】 💕动漫简介: 唐三自幼丧母,与父亲相依为命,因自小持家心智格外成熟细密。唐三在六岁时觉醒武魂,六岁时被送入诺丁学院修练,拜玉小刚为师,并和孤儿小舞结为兄妹。为精进魂力,玉小刚携二人进入史莱克学院,与戴沐白、奥斯卡等五个天才少年组成了史莱克七怪,七怪成名之后进入天斗皇家学院,但与学院贵族产生冲突。不意卷入大皇子雪清河与四皇子雪崩的皇权争夺。其间,唐三逐渐得知武魂殿教皇比比东竟是自己的杀母仇人,而比比东之女千仞雪假扮成雪清河,要杀掉天斗帝国国王。 🌟【Synopsis】Tang’s clan outer disciple Tang San, who secretly learnt the inner sect’s greatest power jumps off the cliff to prove his sincerity. With another identity, he enters another world full of Martial Souls, named Soul Land. Each kid’s Martial Soul will be awakened in the Martial Soul Temple when they are six. Be it animal, plant or weapon type, Martial Soul can help out their daily routines. It is also the strongest occupation with utmost honour in Soul Land, the soul Tang San Welcome to subscribe~欢迎订阅刀哥说动漫~ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙ 这里每天都会为大家更新精彩好剧短视频解说哟~ 喜欢的话请大力的戳我吧!(✪ω✪)
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