A few years back, I started getting into fountain pens and I’ve acquired a bunch of them. Watch this to hear my thoughts on a bunch of TWSBI pens, my small mountain of Kaweco Sports, and the rest of my rainbow, galaxy, and miniature fountain pens from around the world. Let me know if you want me to review a specific pen in this video! I bought these from @JetPens , @Gouletpens , @Penchalet , @Yoseka , and received some as gifts from family. Also, check out @JobsJournal who I mentioned in this video. Follow me on instagram and twitter @laurenfairwx for more content between videos. #fountainpens 00:00 Introduction 01:03 Fountain Pen Storage 01:58 Pilot Kakuno 03:15 LAMY Safari 04:33 TWSBI Eco 06:31 TWSBI Diamond Mini 07:50 Diplomat Traveller 08:49 Kaweco Sport 09:52 Kaweco AL Sport 13:21 BENU Talisman 13:51 Conklin Duragraph 14:40 Monteverde Invincia 15:26 Pilot Prera
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