Александр Давыдов. Под чарующей лаской твоею. Слова и музыка Н. Зубова. Alexander Davydov. Your Enchanting Tenderness. Old Russian Romance. Music and lyrics by N. Zubov. The painter is É.Vernon. Your enchanting tenderness Makes my heart alive again, The old dreams again i cherish, Again i want to love and to suffer. Ah! Give me oblivion with your kiss, Heal the suffering heart, May challenges fly away, Take my life in the kiss. I do not care the severe mind tells me , That you will stop loving me, you will betray me I do not throw off the shackles of your charm: I’m in the power of your beauty. Ah! Give me oblivion with your kiss ... And I am longing for the delight, To drink the goblet to the bottom If even for this beautiful moment I now doomed to the grave. Ah! Give me oblivion with your kiss... Aleksander Davydov (1872 — 1944) - a Russian tenor. He made his debut in Tiflis and then perform
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