In an unexpected twist following the tragic explosions in Lebanon, Taiwanese pager manufacturer Gold Apollo is under scrutiny after its products were linked to the deadly attacks targeting Hezbollah members. The explosions killed at least 12 people and injured nearly 3,000. However, the company’s founder, Hsu Ching-Kuang, denies any involvement, stating that the devices in question were made by a Hungarian company, BAC Consulting, using the Gold Apollo trademark under a licensing agreement. Hsu expressed shock and confusion, noting that payments from BAC were suspiciously routed through the Middle East, raising concerns. As investigations continue, Taiwanese authorities have begun probing Gold Apollo’s offices, adding to the uncertainty surrounding the source of the pagers used in the attacks. While Gold Apollo insists it did not manufacture the devices, many questions remain about BAC Consulting and the true origins of the pagers involved in the explosions. Stay tuned for updates
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