装甲悪鬼村正 OP In the first half of 20th century, Rokuhara Shogunate rules Japan with an iron fist of robotic suits of armor called Tsurugi, while the West wants to turn Japan into another military base. A policeman called Kageaki Minato arrives into a city of Kamakura to solve various different cases involving Tsurugi users (or Mushas), and when all other means are proven useless, defeats them with a skillful use of his own Tsurugi, the bloody red Muramasa. But he doesn’t do that out of justice. He only wants to atone for his past sins and to defeat the most powerful Musha, one known as the Silver Star. “The devil I shall meet, the devil I shall cut. The saint I shall meet, the saint I shall cut.“ This is the phrase that Kageaki says when fusing with Muramasa, and this is the phrase that tells both his past and his future... 魂が宿る鎧――劔冑(つるぎ)。世界最強の兵器である劔冑を纏う者は武者と呼ばれ、空を舞い、鋼を断つ力を得る。 六波羅幕府が統治する極東の島国・大和王国では、白銀の劔冑を纏った武者の噂がまことしやかに囁かれていた。無差別殺戮を繰り返す武者銀星号。数多なる人々を虐殺していく魔王の畏怖は、次第に大和中に伝播していく。 人知れずその銀星号に立ち向かう武者がひとり。血のように紅い劔冑――村正を纏う彼は、宿敵・銀星号を追う傍ら、悪逆を働く代官や連続殺人犯をもその刃で断ち斬っていく。 しかし彼は正義を名乗ることはしない。なぜならば、彼の纏う劔冑は勢洲右衛門尉村正。かつて大和を地獄に変えた、呪われし劔冑であるからだ。 ――これは英雄の物語ではない。英雄を志す者は無用である。
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